Parents, infantile colic can be one of the most challenging and controversial conditions for new parents. Many conventional pediatricians will tell you, “Some babies just get colic” or “Don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” However, the ongoing debate about the root causes of colic suggests that there’s more to it than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll break down the science behind colic and discuss safe and natural ways to help ease your baby’s constant crying and discomfort.
What is Colic?
Colic is characterized by prolonged periods of intense crying and fussiness in otherwise healthy infants. This condition can be incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking for parents, as it often seems that nothing can soothe their little one. If your baby struggles with colic, you’re likely desperate for answers and relief from the constant crying and sleepless nights. Trust your instincts if you feel that it’s not normal for your baby to be constantly crying, uncomfortable, arching their back, and cranking their neck to find some relief.
The Overlooked Trigger: Nervous System Dysfunction
One of the most overlooked yet significant triggers of colic is an overstressed and subluxated nervous system. At Foundations Chiropractic, we often find that the vast majority of colic cases involve at least one of the following stressors:
- High-stress or high-risk pregnancy
- Birth interventions such as forceps, vacuum extraction, induction, epidural, or c-section
These interventions can impact various functions, including sleeping, latching, breastfeeding, swallowing, digestion, and gross motor development like turning the head and tummy time. These initial stressors can cause the infant’s nervous system to become highly sensitive and stuck in a sympathetic fight-or-flight mode.
Jackson’s Story of Hope
Take, for example, the story of baby Jackson. As an infant, Jackson struggled with bad reflux, gas pains, and trouble sleeping at night. His mom shared, “It was very difficult for us to navigate being first-time parents and having Jackson struggle with these issues! It was hard to see him so upset and unhappy because he was always so uncomfortable.”
Fortunately, Jackson’s parents took action and brought him to their holistic pediatrician, who always looked for the root cause of a child’s struggles rather than just treating the symptoms. Recognizing that the stress of a very fast labor and delivery could be part of the root cause, the pediatrician referred Jackson to a pediatric chiropractor.
Jackson’s mom reported, “Jackson started getting adjusted when he was 9 weeks old, and within the first couple of weeks, we definitely started to see changes! We first noticed that he was no longer having constant gas pains and didn’t seem as uncomfortable anymore. Within the first month, his colic seemed to disappear, and we started to see Jackson’s happy and silly personality coming through.”
With continued care, Jackson transformed into “a completely different baby” compared to when he first started treatment. His colic and stomach pains were completely gone, his reflux had improved, and he was even sleeping through the night! Now, as a toddler, Jackson’s mom says, “He is truly the happiest and is always smiling and laughing. We could not be more thankful to have found our pediatric chiropractor – they’ve taught us so much about chiropractic care and the benefits it could provide to Jackson. Thank you for giving us our happy boy back!”
Sympathetic Dominance and Its Effects
When an infant’s nervous system is stuck in a sympathetic fight-or-flight mode, they may struggle with basic health functions such as sleeping, eating, pooping, and moving. Parents often know that something within their little one’s body is not working well, including both “internal” muscles that control digestion and “external” muscles of the neck and spine. This is why infants with colic often struggle more after eating and are constantly arching their neck and back.
Many parents of colicky infants have already tried removing dairy and other common foods that have a higher risk of allergies and intolerances. Some families have also had their children’s tongue or oral ties surgically revised and clipped. While tongue and oral ties can cause trouble with latching, nursing, and discomfort, it’s essential to look deeper at the root cause of these issues. If a child’s nervous system is stuck in a sympathetic fight-or-flight mode, it can leave all the muscles and ligaments of the body extra wound tight and tense. Even if the tongue and oral ties are surgically revised, the tension may remain in the nervous system and other important parts of the body.
Finding the Real Root Cause
While most people look to the stomach or digestive system for the root cause of colic, it’s often found even deeper within the nervous system and its control and coordination of digestive motility, absorption, and elimination. When tension and subluxation build up along the neurospinal system, a colicky baby will often arch their back and crane their neck, trying to release or dissipate that tension themselves. This is an almost sure sign that the root cause of their discomfort is neurospinal discomfort and tension, not merely digestive dysfunction.
The Benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care
Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care is a gentle, non-invasive approach that can help address the underlying neurological factors contributing to colic. Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors are specifically trained to identify and correct subluxations (misalignments) in the spine that can interfere with proper nervous system function. By restoring balance to the nervous system, chiropractic care can help relieve symptoms of colic and promote overall health and well-being in infants.
At Foundations Chiropractic, our doctors use a combination of thorough assessments and advanced technology called Neurological INSiGHT Scans to detect and measure the presence of subluxation and neurological dysfunction or sympathetic dominance in colicky infants. This targeted approach allows us to develop personalized care plans that address each child’s unique needs.
Benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care for Colic
In addition to helping alleviate the symptoms of colic, chiropractic care can offer a range of other benefits for infants and children. These may include:
- Improved sleep quality and duration
- Enhanced immune system function
- Better digestion and reduced digestive discomfort
- Increased range of motion and flexibility
- Support for healthy brain and nervous system development
It’s important to note that chiropractic care is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, and results may vary from child to child. However, many parents have reported significant improvements in their babies’ comfort, happiness, and overall well-being following chiropractic care.
Take the First Step Towards Relief
If you’re ready to find real answers and drug-free solutions for your baby’s colic, consider scheduling an initial consultation with one of our docs at Foundations Chiropractic. With the right approach, you can help your little one find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both desperately need. Don’t spend another exhausting night wondering if there’s hope—take action and seek the support your family deserves.
If you are not local to us, please check out the PX Docs directory to find a PX Doc near you. By addressing the root cause of colic through gentle, Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, you can help your baby thrive and enjoy a happier, healthier childhood.